Congrats on enrolling your dog Miami’s favorite sleep away camp for dog training – AYP Doggie Boot Camp! We are committed to taking excellent care of your dog during their stay, and want you to know that you can call us, email us, or stop by anytime your dog is enrolled in our program. Our goal is to not only to accomplish the training priorities you’ve listed on your dog’s training profile, but to ensure your dog has a safe, fun, and positive experience here at our facility. Please review the information below before dropping your dog off for boot camp.

What to bring when you drop off your dog:

  • Your dog’s food
  • Treats
  • Proof that your dog is up to date on all required vaccinations
    1. Bordatella (every 6 months)
    2. Rabies (annually)
    3. DHPP/DLPP (annually) — this a combination vaccine against distemper and parvo
  • Proof that your dog has had a negative fecal exam result within the last six (6) months.


What you can expect while your dog is at camp: 

  • Our trainers send report cards via email on your dog’s scheduled days of training so that you are aware of how your dog is progressing each day.
    • Keep in mind that because we give dogs two days off a week (Saturday & Sunday) from training that you will not receive a report card on the weekend
  • Your dog will be given several opportunities throughout each day to play off-leash with appropriate friends in size, and in temperament.
    • If no appropriate friend is available, then your dog will have one-on-one playtime with a daycare staffer.
  • All dogs spend nap time and overnight in a crate. This is for their safety.
  • Dogs in boot camp go through several rotations throughout each day of going outside for walks, playing with dog friends off-leash indoors, working with their trainer, and resting.
  • Just like you we love videos of the dogs playing and/or training, and although we do our best to put fresh content up on our Facebook page, our trainer’s priority is training your dog!
  • We take every precaution to ensure a safe experience for all dogs in our care. Yet, dog’s will be dogs and sometimes they play rough. This might mean they end up with scratches or bruises… nothing to be overly concerned about. If there’s ever a serious concern you’ll be the first to know.
    • We always report any minor incidents or concerns in your dog’s report card
  • It’s normal for some dogs to have loose stool at some point during their stay. This can be stress related, or due to treats during training
  • Due to the amount of exercise and stimulation that dogs receive here (upwards of 5 hrs a day of off leash play PLUS training sessions) most dogs enrolled in a two or four week program will lose weight. This is normal based on their increased activty and nothing to be concerned about. 
  • Our administrative office is open Monday to Friday from 7AM to 8PM to help you with scheduling. Although our animal care staff are on the property outside of those hours, the administrative office is closed on weekends. 


Key Staff at AYP Include: 

Elise Lorenzo, Director of Training Programs (all things training related). Elise managers her team of 10+ trainers to get you results, and a fun, quality dog training experience. 

Jess Okon, Director of Canine Care (all things dog care). Jess manages her 10+ daycare and dog hotel staff team to make sure your dog is fed, watered, happy, healthy, and safe during boarding and daycare. Jess also oversees our grooming department. 

Gonzalo Del Risco, Director of Customer Service (all things human care, including scheduling and invoicing). Gonzalo manages his customer service team in the office to make sure customers can always speak to someone quickly if they have a concern, question or just want to talk dog! 🙂

Please do not hesitate to reach our to us should you have any questions. We are here for you!


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