Miami's Dog & Puppy Training Blog
Sharing our doggie day-to-day events and other bark-worthy informationProud recipient of FeedSpot’s Top 20 Puppy Blog Award

Respecting Their Personal Space: Ask for Consent
Everyone wants a social and lovable canine companion, but just like people, dogs don't have the desire to be social all the time. Even those who enjoy being around people need time to decompress. Sometimes this can be hard to catch, as there are dogs that are quite...
Everybody gets an Upgrade!
Applause Your Paws started in 2006 as one woman's dream to combine her skills in business with her passion for dogs. After working out of her apartment, driving to people's houses, and hosting group classes in the middle of a parking lot, Dee Hoult hired a small staff...
Nature v. Nurture: Why It’s Not ALL About Socialization
Trainers continually mention the importance of socializing your puppy at a young age. It's consistently suggested that at each life stage you're introducing your puppy to new dogs and people so that when adulthood arrives your dog is well-rounded and a model citizen....
How Soon You Can Start Training Your Dog – A Professional Dog Trainer’s Perspective
The vast majority of people are under the impression that when they first get their puppy they need to wait until the dog is nearing 6 months to begin training. However, dogs can learn concepts like basic obedience through clicker training as early as four weeks old....
Puppy Picking: A Trainer’s Guide to Finding the Right Companion
Dogs are amazing companions, but not every breed is suited to every household, and unfortunately cuteness isn't going to give your puppy a free pass forever. Picking the right breed or breed mix (if you're rescuing) for your home is definitely something to think...
Rover Needs Some Resolutions
The holidays have whisked by us and the New Year is approaching. We often think of and set goals for ourselves in the year to come to improve upon our current quality of life or just to get our rears in gear. However, our canine companions might have some brushing up...
6 Proven Strategies for Stress-Free Puppy Potty Training
You just picked up your new puppy or adopted a new dog and now you’re fighting through the task of housebreaking. This issue tends to be the one that plagues owners the most. “What is the most effective and least emotionally harmful way to help my new dog or puppy...
October Pupdate – Miami Dog and Puppy Training
Hi everyone, In case you aren't subscribed to our newsletter, here it is for easy reference on our site! Can't believe it's October already! The holiday season is here and that means we are now taking in reservations for holiday boarding. Make sure you schedule your...
How to Train Polite Door Greetings – Miami Dog and Puppy Training
In order to quickly train your dog not to jump on visitors when they arrive I recommend using a raised “place” or bed, something that is a defined space for your dog to be in. A rug or a mat can be a bit ambiguous, and dogs tend to cheat by laying half on and half off...
Memories of Great Dogs Last Forever – Dog and Puppy Trainers in Miami Florida
I vividly remember my first time walking into AYP’s new facility. I came to attend a trick-dog workshop with my dog, Tucker (and to hopefully get on the good side of the owner, Dee). Little did I know, that from that moment on, my life would change forever. I...
How to Train Your Dog to Behave in the Elevator – Miami Dog and Puppy Training
Most humans have a universal fear of being trapped in a crowded elevator with a bunch of strangers. So why does it surprise us that some dogs share the same anxiety while riding from our apartment to the ground floor during a routine walk? We often set the unrealistic...
Teach Your Dog to Give You A Kiss – Miami Dog and Puppy Training
Step 1: Use a small dab of peanut butter or cream cheese on your cheek to encourage your dog to lick your face. Have a handful of your dog’s favorite treats nearby. Step 2: With your dog in a sitting position in front of you, lean in to your dog, offering your cheek....
let's get training!
We're ready to get to work so you can have the best family pet around.
Plus, we'll make sure it remains fun throughout the process. Whether you're in Miami, Broward County or Georgia, we have trainers to help your dog be the BEST dog for your life.
786-529-RUFF (7833)