Prerequisite Level 1 or other beginner obedience course. Our Level 2 obedience class is designed for students wishing to continue working on their dog’s obedience with a higher level of distractions, distance, and duration to commands. We continue to develop the behaviors of level 1 and work to make sure you understand how to train and handle your dog in a variety of situations despite what may come. After completing Level 2 – we recommend signing up for our Outdoor Adventure class where you put your skills to the test and can potentially earn your CGC, CGC-U, and/or CGC-A (not all at once!) There’s also our Beach Day Workshop, another real-world training scenario that is perfect for any South Floridian to enjoy training and time at the beach with their dog. We also hold, at certain times of the year, our Level 3 advanced obedience class – this is to get your dog used to more difficult commands and off-leash exercises ( starting with a long line!).