Miami's Dog & Puppy Training Blog
Sharing our doggie day-to-day events and other bark-worthy informationProud recipient of FeedSpot’s Top 20 Puppy Blog Award

Handle It! Canine Agility In Perspective
During last year, we got a few people to scratch the addictive itch we professional competitors refer to as Agility. This sport is an international sensation with it's own version of a World Cup event where teams from different countries compete to see who's at the...
The Curse of the Secret Squirrel: Prey Drive in Dogs
When we begin training with our dogs, at the forefront of our mind, is usually basic obedience. In our eyes, Fido needs to be able to sit, lie down, and stay. During this dedicated process we sometimes forget that dogs are innate hunters and love to chase. Soon...
What to Keep in Mind When You Want to Adopt
If you're making a decision to go out and rescue a dog and make them the newest four legged member of your family, know that you have our full appreciation. Using adoption as an option is always something we actively commend. However, there are some things we think...
Regarding the Resource Guarder: How to Avoid Possessiveness
Resource guarding is one of the things we like to nip in the bud before it becomes a more severe problem in our dog's adult life. Dog's that show any signs of growling, freezing, or even potential biting over a possession are exhibiting a form of resource guarding....
Train and Maintain: How to Keep Up with What Your Dog Has Learned
"He won't do *insert command here* for me!" A phrase often heard within the dog training world. Let's take this story back a few weeks to the beginning. A frustrated dog parent calls on a trainer to help with their untruly fur child. The trainer spends weeks, perhaps...
Let’s Get Two Puppies: The Downside of Littermate Syndrome
Within the canine community we have our single dog people, who only ever want one dog at a time no matter what, and we have our multi-dog people…I don’t think the latter requires an explanation. Some of us like having a pack around. An important thing to keep in mind,...
Let’s Get Two Puppies: The Curse of Littermate Syndrome
Within the canine community we have our single dog people, who only ever want one dog at a time no matter what, and we have our multi-dog people...I don't think the latter requires an explanation. Some of us like having a pack around. An important thing to keep in...
At Your Service: The Importance of Service Dog Etiquette
In the beginning, we observed service animals as dogs that aided in mobility, guided the blind, or alerted the deaf. There were even a standard set of breeds that you consistently saw, that were bred within programs. These dogs went out to their prospective owners...
Going Beyond the House: Building the dog that listens everywhere!
As a dog owner, we love to take our pets to new places. Perhaps to sit outside the corner cafe, or walk the strip, or sometimes on a nice camping trip. In any of these circumstances, both for safety and ease of living, having a dog that listens to us is essential....
Remembering Patience: It’s a Journey not a Race
Quite frequently in dog training I come across owners who are so determined to get to the end that they begin forgetting where they started. They can't remember the dog that didn't know how to sit, or the one that couldn't walk out of the front door without barking....
Are you a responsible dog owner? —- by Dee Hoult, CDBC, CPDT
I watched out the picture window of my home as a neighbor strolled down the street with her dog. Staring down at her cell phone, her dog was on an extendable flexi lead meandering from side to side as she slowly continued. Her dog wandered into my yard and proceeded...
On Training Dogs for Adoption
Dogs ending up in the shelter is a sad thing, indeed. As dog enthusiasts and lovers, our hearts go out to them, but we know we can't adopt every dog that lands behind bars. However, there are other ways that the community can help. Two main reasons why dogs generally...
let's get training!
We're ready to get to work so you can have the best family pet around.
Plus, we'll make sure it remains fun throughout the process. Whether you're in Miami, Broward County or Georgia, we have trainers to help your dog be the BEST dog for your life.
786-529-RUFF (7833)